A Debate on Health

My daughter Grace. She had an unusual thing about her. Apart from groaning at contact, she  was floppy.Once you could lift her up and she would slouch and bend her legs as if to say ,' please l don't want to stand.'  When she begins to slouche like that, placing her on my lap would prove a little taxing because then l would have to be very careful else she would fall off. She moved like mercury, swift and sudden. I used to say,' this child is strange'. She flows like water. I did not know that my little one was actually not well. 

At times  l thought it was heat stress. Yet I could not put to pieces why she could not jold her heard firm. She would bend it backwards as if it was too heavy for her, so l often supported her with my hands. Then, other times her whole body would be firm, she would stand  with her legs straight and tall. Her head would be firm and steady or just shake a liitle bit. As such on days when she was weak and floppy, l thought she was either tired or being lazy or sleepy, yet she was not well.

when l got to the hospital for routine immunisation.That's when everything got reorganised.I alerted the nurses of a possible jaundice presentation .They had allegedly done all the necessary checks but missed the yellow color obtaining in her eyes, and tongue. 

When l asked to confirm if the colour of her eyes posed a health concern, the two nurses asked me to place her on a table by the window in order to get natural light. I did so and they examined her and confirmed that my little girl was indeed unwell. Thereafter l was referred to the Pediatrics department, where l was further referred to a doctor who in turn gave an order for Grace to be admitted and get several tests done, pending treatment.


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